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how many more beatings till morale improves ? goyimz :(

If they are doing stupid shit like this today, imagine the stupid shit they were doing 100 yrs ago before men gave them the right to vote

I just subscribed to just pearly things on bitchute, going to find out if she is really ripping from @Tfmonkey in real time.

"wOmEn CaN bE aStRoNauGts tOo" Cant excape diversity hires even in fucking space. And she is fucking crazy.

@shortstories Yeah it was the Equal Credit act of 1974 which allowed women to obtain credit cards, I remember Rollo was talking about it in an older stream, it basically made it so credit card companies could not discriminate on sex. In the modern day I believe women owe 2/3rds of all credit card debt, correct me if I’m wrong also I know women owe the most student loan debt as well.

I was talking to a big supporter of the Democratic Party who loves welfare and previously told me he supported women's right to vote.

I asked if you could secretly take away women's voting rights and no one knew you did it would you do it?

He said he would take women's voting rights away in such a circumstance

He could not understand basic math so could not understand the economics of women voting but said he was tired of women voting for laws to make it more difficult for "men to be men"

Rights/ Authority should be tied with responsibility? Interesting 🧐 wonder where he got that from.

@Stahesh You caught I’m secretly an NPC who watches CNN every day.

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