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The strong will do what they will and the weak will suffer what they must.

Here is another gem from "The Failure of Universal Suffrage",

"Liberty was the watchword of our fathers, and so it is of our selves. But, in their hearts, the masses of the nation cherish desires not only different from it, but inconsistent with it. They want equality more than they want liberty... every day more and more, the masses hug the flattering illusion that one man is essentially about as good as another."

@shortstories I found the older Rollo stream where he talks about The Equal Credit Act, the timestamp is 03:39:35, he specifically talks about articles which relate the the history of second wave feminism.

"So most young women are dating two timing men, and this is making the younger generation lonely."

"We need to take away their AI waifu so that they can marry a nice single mother and raise someone else's child."

"We just don't have enough wage slaves, this is a catastrophe."



Get your hockey mask polished and ready.

"It will eliminate the existing cash bail system for all but the most serious of crimes.

Law enforcement officials and some residents are concerned about how the new policy will impact crime.

It will be a major change in how the court system deals with people who are arrested and how long they stay in custody. The zero bail will apply to misdemeanors and specific non-violent felonies."

I am not a fan of Fresh And Fit.
Nevertheless, he is absolutely correct and Right on this:

@RodrickSage have you heard of sexy son theory? Women want to get pregnant by chad, not because they want his child support money but because they’re trying to get commitment. If they know he has no money they’ll just become single moms on welfare. I agree with you when it comes down to men that are good providers, yeah if they know you have a good stable job they’ll definitely purposefully trap you with a kid. Also if you’re chad with a stable job, ie professional athletes you’re huge target.

@Tfmonkey You’ve talked about how leftists blame corporations for corrupting the government instead of the opposite, so I made a little visual. I call it the “Political Vending Machine Hypothesis”.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.