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@sardonicsmile @basedbagel one thing that I think is overlooked in the manosphere (especially in the old days) is how important looks really are to women. I would say basically between the ages of 18-29, when women are in their “hoe phase” as Rollo states they are looking for the alpha males with good genes like Jason Mamoa or Jeremy Meeks, but then between the ages of 29-35 they put less emphasis on looks and more on resources, status and stability. Ideally they want the total package.

@basedbagel A lot of homeless women are post wall or have high standards.

@sardonicsmile it’s quite simple if you want to stop inflation, stop printing money and cut government spending. It seems people don’t recognize or acknowledge longterm benefits because, Milton Friedman even said that “inflation is like alcoholism the good benefits come first but the bad effects come later, but the opposite is true when you stop drinking the bad effects come first but the good effects come later”. Unfortunately people never want to push through the bad effects.

"Free To Choose - How To Cure Inflation" (1980)
- Prof. Dr. Milton Friedman

@sardonicsmile Africa needs to embrace capitalism and freedom, they have resources 65% of their land is farmable plus they have minerals and metals I believe. If most of the continent embraces free trade like Botswana and Rwanda the continent does have a future.


Both scenarios are related to the female rape fantasy.

Here's an actual quote from a female redditor that speaks to this directly:

"I like (the idea of) rape because it absolves me of the guilt of my own sluttiness. Don’t get me wrong, I love the control aspect of rape/groping, but what I really like is how I am free to enjoy the sex because it is something inflicted on me, rather than something I am willingly asking for."

Accountability is truly female kryptonite.

Yeah a lot of people only acknowledge the beta bucks side of hypergamy but not the alpha fucks side. Male virginity has gone up 3 fold since 2008 and 28% of men between 18-29 are not having sex. Also new pew research states 64% of men between 18-29 are single colt to only 32-34% of women.

"Why These TradCons Are Feminists On The INSIDE"
-Rational Male

@sardonicsmile I watched this episode it was really good, the tradcons always call out men and ask them to take responsibility while never holding women accountable. I like when Rollo said if you were born after 1965 you’re a feminist, basically after 1965 with the invention of birth control, no fault divorce, title 9, expansion of welfare and the equal credit act, it basically led to what we’re dealing with now when it comes to intersexual dynamics. TWRA.

@sardonicsmile yeah these men are trying to find a reproductive short cut to their reproductive problem. Juggernaut Law is interesting because men do it almost universally, that’s why it’s law not a theory. It also explains why average looking women get more messages and cold approaches than hot women, men always think they have a higher chance if the woman has flaws. As women's quality goes down men are coping and fetishizing undesirable traits and it becomes a negative feedback loop.

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