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NATO is looking for a way out of Ukraine | document leaks showing the war in Ukraine is unwinnable for NATO | Russia just destroyed a heavily fortified underground bunker that housed over 300 top NATO and Ukrainian leaders

Why is the media silent on this story?

@sardonicsmile @37712 @Brianhere It has to do with Ovulatory Shift, (birth control also plays into the equation), women want the Alphas during ovulation and betas when they’re not ovulating. Single Mothers seeking out a responsible man is called retroactive cuckoldry. Proactive cuckoldry is when a woman is married to a beta but secretly seeks out an alpha to get his seed, while retroactive cuckoldry is when a woman already has the alphas genes but seeks out a beta since the alpha won’t commit.

@sardonicsmile @Stahesh unfortunately we live in a society that revolves around women’s feelings and emotional erratic state. Rollo pointed out something interesting in a few streams ago which was that alot of research in Science and Psychology has been halted due to the “Crisis of Replication” and that was after a large amount of women entered academia. Basically the media and academia all has to push social constructionism to sooth women’s egos, Feels over Reals unfortunately feels is winning.

“Women will always filter empirical data with a solipsistic lense”.

@mutageno I don’t think there’s anyone here in this audience that has an IQ below 100, people in the manosphere are probably 110 and above regardless of race.

Elon Musks thoughts on AI, it’s weird I thought he would be all for it considering he talks alot about neurotech and cybernetics, honestly I’m pro AI I think it’s a good thing I kinda wanna be more machine than human like Cyborg from Teen Titans.

Aaron Clarey says women asking guys out would fix alot of problems

While it makes sense in theory let me tell you why it's a terrible idea in practice.

I rejected 2 girls in my lifetime and both damn near mental breakdowns.

1 even stalked me at my work a week later!

Women do NOT have the mental strength to handle rejection.

@sardonicsmile @mutageno some studies suggest women during ovulation having an enhanced sense of smell, maybe it allows them to distinguish between men with higher quality sperm and lower quality sperm. But generally they do have a better sense of smell than men but some studies say it’s relatively minor.

“Obama has an absolute talent for saying things that make no sense.”

“I have to work to get access to vagina, you don’t have to work to get access to the average guy”.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.