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This is interesting I thought gymnastics was the one sport women outperform men, yet they have less events in the Olympics than men.

Once you see what chad is getting, everything else seems like such a bad deal, in comparison, that some would rather take Nothing at all.
It is not just that chad gets her *with less effort*, he also gets the *younger, more submissive* version of her.
He gets *more* output, for *less* input.

Monk Mode is the best path for Most men.
Mating is the exclusive Right of the top males.

It's more important to be not stupid than it is to be smart.

Not enough people get this.

@mutageno what pisses me off the most is that they expect men to willingly die for a country and a culture, that has been shitting on them and calling them toxic. “Hey men I know we said you’re all toxic and bad and we’ve been shitting on you for decades, but now we need you to go die for this country and you can’t get out of it, but we’re all still equal guys except when shtf happens then equality is bullshit.”

“If you have a company with 50% female engineers and 50% male engineers the women engineers will be less qualified, because the pool of engineers is lower among women.”

@YoMomz @basedbagel also women are starting to outnumber men in terms of obtaining law degrees as well, so they’ll be influencing the laws even more, and because of gender quotas they’ll start to outnumber men when it comes to lawyers and judges.

How shocking! JustPearlyThings is full of shit and does not practice what she preaches. And it should not be shocking that she is only in it for the money, given that she is just repackaging talking points that other men in the Manosphere already have said.

Also, we should call her JustParrotingThings.

@deprecated_ii They tell us this all the time, it’s complete bunk. Same with the whole “women make good pilots because their organs are better suited to withstanding G-forces.

They love touting those “positives”, but never compare the hand/eye coordination or spacial interpretations men do naturally. Or the stress response under pressure. Women have about 1.5 minutes of positive adrenaline response, then they overdose and fall apart

"Capture Of The Sabines - Roman Women"
aka The Rape Of The Sabines. Romulus, to solve a gender disparity, and give the Roman men women to have babies, captured the Sabine women. After all was done, the women chose to stay with their Roman captors.

Gentlemen: Women are just a resource; to be consumed.

Every year the Federal Government is in perpetual fear that one day, Chuck Norris will come for them, enslave them and take away their freedom.

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