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@Pain66 most people don’t have much depth to them. They don’t think about broad complex things such as human nature, human societies, large scale problems, male and female dynamics, history, economics etc. Most people only care about living in the present, and enjoying pop culture things, I find most people to be very superficial/ not complex or interesting. That’s why we all have to go to the internet to find people that think like us, but for the most part most people are just npcs.

The idea that having women into the workplace is some sort of capitalist plot is just a silly premise. Think about a lot of the jobs that women are employed at. Make work, email sending, bullshit work. What benefit does that bring to a business? Nothing really. An evil capitalist would not benefit from this.

But someone else benefits by having women in the workplace. Can you guess who that is? The entity that gets extra tax dollars as a result of more women working, the government itself.

@houseoftolstoy women don’t actually pay taxes, if anything they cost the state money due to them abusing the welfare system. Study from New Zealand concluded that women actually cost the state 150k over the course of their entire life, they’re a net negative on the system. If anything I would argue the government is far more concerned if men leave the workforce/don’t want to participate, than if women are participating because men are more of a net benefit to the government.

@Pain66 if more men were gay that would be a good thing for heterosexual men, less competition. There’s alot of studies to suggest homosexuality is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors.

@sardonicsmile First speaks nothing but the facts, I occasionally tune into his streams or when he’s a guest on a stream every once in awhile. The bp community has some really valuable content. Honestly I want to see more bpillers/mgtow/pua/mra collabs, it’s interesting seeing the different perspectives.

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@37712 I paraphrased what Rollo said, he mentions towards the end his thoughts on TWRA. I like how he acknowledges that all feminism was bad and even mentions that the suffragettes committed terrorism. He mentions a book called “The Feminists Bombing” which talks about how the suffragettes burned churches, government buildings, police precincts, destroyed private property and even threatened to assassinate politicians.

Bro fuck this system, fuck feminism, fuck the 19th, fuck the West, fuck globo homo, fuck everything. Burn it all the fuck down. 🔥🔥🌎🔥🔥

“Never about equality, always about restitution and retribution. It’s a supremacy movement that uplifts women and handicaps men. If it was about equality it would be called equalism.”

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @zebuceta @ButtWorldsMan honestly I like a lot of talking points that Rollo uses, I don’t agree with everything he says but I do occasionally watch his streams and clips. He cites alot of good research and is quite articulate. I honestly wish we can unite the manosphere as a whole, which is why I can’t help but listen to Rollos arguments but also I listen to bpillers talking points as well. I think most people in the manosphere are worth listening to at the very least.

@zebuceta @Mike_Microwave after three generations of men getting divorced raped, men are finally done. Hopefully this system doesn’t last another generation, it’s unfortunate to see countless numbers of men go through this hardship, while society looks the other way.

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