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This is the problem with trying to appeal to any fringe voters. Their support will evaporate the moment you enact a policy that appeals to your core base. Though I doubt that many "Republican" women are turning to the other side for this exact policy, this principle can be extrapolated for all women and all the other laws that we should not have.

Just how many stupid laws are allowed to remain just so that "we just need to win one more election" keeps happening?

I would say "hero," but he was not simply doing this out of the goodness of his heart, but for profit. Still, might have saved some people from "dying suddenly" or "long covid."

Back when cartoons knew a thing or 2 about life. Now it's all fake and gay.

@zebuceta @sardonicsmile what saddens me is society lies to men by gaslighting them saying women aren’t this way, and that any problem in a relationship is always the man’s fault. Honestly I’m more of a transhumanist as I want to see men develop new technologies so they no longer have to worry about satisfying women for the sake of species. Maybe not in my lifetime but the artificial womb and genetic sequencing/splicing will definitely change the shape of the game.

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