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At minute 12:00 in the episode one of the girls says that we as women are not designed to kill anything.

Bahahahaha anything but their own children.

The concept of “pan-secessionism” that I have promoted on this website/blog for 20 years is now entering the mainstream, with 1/3 of the US population now expressing at least casual sympathy for secession by their particular geographical region or state (up from 1/4 only 7 years ago as the charts below indicate).

@Brianhere @ButtWorldsMan I recognize the music from the first Resident Evil movie, when T-virus was first released in the Hive, such a cool scene.

You know, call me a conspiracy theorist but Ira Berger doesn't sound like a particularly Japanese name
I don't know if this is true, but if it is this is very big, this means that the US just blinked hard against an adversary directly threatening it's naval power.
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.