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@Tfmonkey Do you know the name of that study where they tried to enact equity (communism) in a classroom by giving the A students’ points to D-students and everyone failing as a result? I’ve been looking but can’t find it.

Not only is BRICS planning to ditch the U.S. dollar, they are convincing other countries to follow the same path.

If the de-dollarization trend picks up steam, the U.S. dollar will be the hardest-hit currency in the markets.

Read here to know how many sectors in the U.S. will be affected if BRICS ditched the dollar for trade.

He warned that the U.S. outsourcing its manufacturing units will soon lead to its decline and make way for developing countries to rise.

One of problems with heaven and hell.

If this concept existed so there must exist equivalent for opposite kind of people.

Where bad people are rewarded and good people punished.

Like thiefs would enjoy eternally stealing in their version of heaven.

Or killers would enjoy eternally killing people in their version of heaven.

@shortstories it seems there is a biological component to gynocentrism. The question then becomes are we doomed as human males, to let women control manipulate due to our sex drive? That’s why I think transhumanism is the better solution to TWRA, I recognize TWRA as the contingency plan but we need to take away women’s monopoly on sex/reproduction for good.

Why specifically target women with propaganda?

Screenshot from the following video

What On Earth Is Happening - Episode #282

Mark Passio

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.