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Women's USA Football Team Talk Trash Before Getting Dominated By Retired Men!


@Stahesh @Brianhere @sardonicsmile Men must be totally brutal during SHTF/War/Grid down

Either men are totally in charge
and women shut the fuck up

or women are on their own

@Brianhere @sardonicsmile Yea it is so hard to focus when women talk.

They hate us because they need us more than we need them.

They are weak, slow and less intelligent than men. Their strong side is to mentally manipulate men and make babies.

They are so bitter because they know they need to depend on men for their survival.

Tim Pool says something like he opposes all waves of feminism because women were not required to take same responsibilities as men in exchange for what they got

@CheshireHuman @Tfmonkey
Not really. Listen to what he's saying: he believes in equality and want women to accept and carry the same responsibilities as men.
We all know, and TFM explained many times, women cannot BIOLOGICALLY do the same as men or accept any responsibility. They just burn out, get infertile, massively depressed and become hateful baby killers.

The right call in reality is to take away all their unearned rights and let them live their biological goals, as nature designed.

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