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Aristotle proclaimed that rationality is what separates Man from animal.

Machiavelli introduces the concepts of the Ways of Man and Beast.
Man - to use Law and argumentation and reason to resolve conflict
Beast - to use force and violence unto those the Way of Man fails.

Thus, those who are not rational should never be treated as Man. Reason and logic are lost on them, and must be considered to be beasts. So then, they must always be controlled or killed or they will only bring ruin.

This government would rather give Boomers their fucking social security and niggers welfare than actually fund science and advance the country. There is so many new world-changing discoveries and they go nowhere because there’s no funding and the media doesn’t cover it. And no one cares.

All these fucking people will bitch about healthcare this and surgeries that, but will be a roadblock to actual progress like CRISPR therapies, stem cells, and anthrobots. Fuck this society.



Basically yes.

The real damage is that females of all ages really really believe in these Enlightenment/Progressive dogmas like it's a fucking religion:

1. Rights are actual real, inviolable things
2. Consent is everything
3. You can never touch a woman without consent

Anyone who's a father knows how and why this is complete bulshit.

Also, I've only ever seen a meltdown that epic in toddlers. Not even joking, it's exactly like that.

He makes a great point in this video that the Police are the ONLY people left in society with the power to phsyically touch women.

And when it happens, women completely lose their shit. Watching this is literally watching someone's worldview just crumble around them.

How to walk away from society:

- Leave the country
- Do no enlist
- Do not get married
- Do not volunteer your time or donate your money
- Do not consoom
- Do not vote for Feminists
- Do not help people who vote against you
- Homeschool your children
- Do not go to college
- Live off-grid

Saw video that can give us reason why many boomers do not want to retire. Because many boomers do not have savings.

45% of baby boomers have no retirement savings.

The more diverse the government becomes, the less competent and thus threatening they become. Therefore, "diversity" should not only be encouraged, but made mandatory until every single employee of the government is a black woman.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.