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@MrpoopyButhole i was implying that homo us human and homo sexual means being attracted to other humans. it has nothing to do with same sex. so calling someone homosexual/homo as derogatory term is nonsensical, hence misused.

That Nerdrotic FNT intro song is absolutely epic!

Homosexual is quite a misused term, if you think about it.

Finally got my hands on dark storm. Might be the best in the range, after DE.

@dander @Tfmonkey well, india has IFS, russia has SPFS and china has CIPS. so by connecting them together, they now cover at least 3 billion people. not bad. about time BRICS have done something significant in the finance sector.

@Based_Accelerationist only someone who never got punched in the face could talk like this.

I hope IRA is going to raise from the ashes like a fenix and starts the europe-wide cleansing.

@RegalBeagle as an outsider, how usa treated its veterans never made any sense to me. I am talking past decades, not recently. Like a homeless vet was a thing in usa since at least vietnam and was normalized in tv, movies and press.

@shortstories you can most definitely study for iq test. There is limited amount of test types so if you know what to do upfront, you can easily score high. But that was not my point.

@RegalBeagle DEI over meritocracy. it was inevitable. USSR collapsed for the same reason, incompetent people on important places, loyal to the cause but damaging to the entire society with their lack of skill to handle the job.

Justicar boosted

The simplest way to lose weight is to eat when you are not hungry. That way you don't over-eat when you are hungry. You essentially hijack your previous satiety and prolong it.

@PordanJeterson what most RP philosophers and thinkers completely ignore is evolution. the world-wide society we've built today is utterly unnatural. These are the growing pains of advancing the society and humanity into the future. We'll either make it, or we revert to something simpler.

@YoMomz @VooDooMedic usa can be saved once it starts to balkanize. the federation must be dissolved and individual states must become sovereign countries. then the healing can begin.

@VooDooMedic just fyi, i had to stop listening to tfm couple of times in the past because of how hard he was sucking up to the jews. it was REALLY bad. but now he sees the light so there is still hope for him :D

@VooDooMedic you need to understand that usa has very different relationship with jews than europe or russia. they haven't dealt with them for millennia like europe did. russia got overtaken and destroyed by them. germany was destroyed due to them. but i think their time is up. slowly but surely.

@VooDooMedic tfm is not ready to throw all of them into the mega pit. he still thinks few good apples excuse all the rotten ones and that he can separate one from another. no worries. he'll get there. it took him years to finally admit what "we" all knew. it will take a bit more time to adjust to this new worldview.

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