I will be joining LoveNestle for their anniversary stream and they'll be giving up sex dolls during the stream. Tune in!
@Tfmonkey you should write "the" book on feminism, gynocenrism, history of how and why we got here. How and why to rebuild the society and summarize past decade of what you have learnt. It should be your opus. Throw in net tax payer system and welfare as well.
I thought we didn't have hypersonics?
@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey
"AIPAC Guy", a song about the coming draft.
@Tfmonkey Edward Snowden revealed that spy craft organizations government and non government,are involved in online video games,between the propaganda media and MKUltra type psyops entrapment and radicalization of young dumb,Aderall prescribed,energy drinking,skinny jeans wearing,low IQ call of duty shitheads,can be befriended manipulated and activated as political operatives by agents behind a cubicle anonymously,Shooter announced on Steam”July 13 will be my premiere,watch as it unfolds”
Former progressive neomarxist turned procap non white-white nationalist
Proud trap inclusive trans lesbian