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@ButtWorldsMan Don't let me get in the way of a good meme, but I don't blame him. Buying them back was probably a trap to recapture him.

@Stahesh I loved this movie. It's some sort of masterpiece. Nick Cage plays himself, playing himself in a movie.

Many people are calling out the assassination attempt on Trump as a staged event to boost his image and cult following. Most of them are leftists, which isn't surprising as the Left never liked Trump.

What is surprising, is how much the media is attacking them, they've even started calling it BlueAnon! And of course, the Right-wing controlled opposition is taking full advantage. After all, the mere idea that this one assassination might have been staged to some extent, needs to be shut down!!

@RodrickSage She doesn't even have a good voice. People really will throw money at anyone with an anime avatar.

@red_dread Yes. If he shot literally a second sooner, we would be in a different timeline now.

What would Trump be without all the trials, the media and the assassination attempts? Nothing.
He'd be just another RINO who was bailed out by Rothschild Inc, who sent money to Bill Gates, protected Big Pharma's interests, partied with Jeffrey Epstein, betrayed his own supporters and bent the knee to Israel.

"B-but he didn't start any new wars". Covid was the war and he went along with it.

Yet Americans glorify him as their messiah. It's as if their lives depend on Jewish myths and gay psyops.

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