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Stupid desperate act from Japan.
I read the whole thing and still there isn't ONE single benefit for men in this arrangement - they even need to pay to be in this app!

Thomas Massie spills the beans about AIPAC and congress with Tucker.

Full interview well worth watching.

On a totally different note, here is Ikumi Mito aka "Meat Meat" from the anime "Food Wars" - family friendly but sprinkled with enough big anime titty action to keep it fun.

Holy crap, Judge Nap is on fire!

Cuba may host Russian missiles again. We're heading for the mother of all shitshows if this keeps going.

The new president of Mexico… I’m sure she won’t flood the Mexico with Africans to transport up to us… I’m sure she won’t…

"There's no magic about it. Just believe"

Actual quote from a person when talking about being able to heal all sicknesses.

The inability to the contradiction in that statement is impressive 🤦‍♂️

Abortion stats for anyone having women or cucks push back about you saying that abortion is just glorified child sacrificing

Gentlemen. I regret to inform you. The government fucked it up.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.