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One of my favorite manosphere creators lost custody of his daughter and they played snippets of his videos in court!

How is that even legal?

Shouldn't you be able to raise a relevance objection?

For those who don't believe in free will, how do you justify holding people accountable for actions that they had no control over? i.e. the court system

That below or a beautiful 10/10 sex doll from the with a spinning pussy? Huh...tough choices...

Treat corporate America like the drug game.

Get your $ and get out ASAP

don't get caught up in their foolery.

I've had multiple girls promoted over me and instead of getting angry I started my own biz and had a good year long run.

@Mongoliaboo @VeganMGTOW

We already have arteficial wombs called WOMEN.

If somebody is interested we can start using them as soon as possible.

I think this branch of The Redpilled community are delusional thinking they can replace Literally billions years of evolution with these Artificial Wombs

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.