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The new president of Mexico… I’m sure she won’t flood the Mexico with Africans to transport up to us… I’m sure she won’t…

"There's no magic about it. Just believe"

Actual quote from a person when talking about being able to heal all sicknesses.

The inability to the contradiction in that statement is impressive 🤦‍♂️

Abortion stats for anyone having women or cucks push back about you saying that abortion is just glorified child sacrificing

Gentlemen. I regret to inform you. The government fucked it up.

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@Tfmonkey Why would you be telling ppl to vote for trump anymore, the guy is jew controlled probably more than biden. He will send actual americans to go die for the jews in israhell so why are you telling people to go vote for him. You cant expect this corrupt system to ever unfuck itself, it is beyond saving. with Biden it will surely collapse and a new one can be born from its ashes, also no conscription or WW3, but with Trump, Jew suppremacy in the USA and WW3 is assured, boogaloo cancelled.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.