@Pain66 Men with daughters tend to do this. This is why you should have many sons, and marry off your daughters. How does he afford to wait 4 hours while they study?

@DoubleD @Pain66 He says he has sons. He just fell for the American feminist simp meme.

@DoubleD @Mongoliaboo @Pain66 - Sadly, examples are a continuing requirement.

The best anyone can do, is keep them to a minimum. But there's always gonna be someone saying "It'll be different this time".

It's correct to point out their error before they make it, as they're making it, and after the results of their error go to shit. Is it harsh? Sure, it's harsher than what's currently socially acceptable.

If there's any way to soften things, it's to focus on the error, rather than the man. 🤔🫡

@YoMomz @Mongoliaboo @Pain66 The most compassionate thing you can do for someone who is stalwart in their folly is to warn them and then allow them to fail.

@YoMomz @DoubleD @Mongoliaboo @Pain66

In this one single thing, I agree with the father here but not for the reasons he thinks.

Female doctors are the only acceptable exception to higher education I can think of. There is a legit need for that.

It's like that meme, "we are not the same".

@DoubleD @Pain66
I thought this was forbidden in Afghanistan. Wtf is the taliban doing? Give this man his bullet!

@Pain66 this is very different, he just wants for his daughters to have basic education, he does not know that anything further will probably be counter productive

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