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@Stahesh i mean, the more you move away from city, the more nature you come across, so be adaptable in nature, beware of werebears, man that are bears lol.

il tell you this, TFM was right when he said. " Communist hate the cold. "
Funny thing is, the Germans and the celts loved in cold areas, maybe white people need to start moving to colder areas. concentrate in does cold winter like areas.

TFM: Hey, am here to collect my money, now that the recession hit money market

Money market: am sorry sir, but we lost all your money. we can't give it back, sorry.

@shortstories Apparently, he made fun of a native and something about Kamala.

The peoplw don't guive a fuck, its like AML said " don't do anything let the people die. "

Come on TFM bath with them, they love their brown rivers, the bitch is literally having an orgasm swimming in it, TFM drink, drink from their holy brown river!!.

@Deuces @Terry we need more niggers and Indians, who TFM love so much. the beautiful Japanese river will turn brown from all the shit.

The Hulk Hogan movie has been dropped, cuz he supports Donald Trump, Communist America everyone. if you support the right, your gone.

@YoMomz yes but that if guarantee but, if its 50/50, you might as well get a part time rather than play the lotto.

@Justicar so you're going to take a gamble? 50/50 you win, 50/50 you just lost the thing. delayed gratification is good but, sometimes you have to judge if its really worth the wait.

the same thing can be said with a guy who delayed having sex with his wife, and someone else ending up fucking her. and when it comes to money, it's better to take a good deal now, the having zero guarantee for a future good deal.

So i saw some dude asking people " do you want $150k now or two million in two years " are everyone is like, " il wait. " why? how you do guarantee does two million dollars?

why not take does $150k and but a house or land with it? the majority of people don't even have a home to live in, but am going to wait with zero guarantee, this is just like the social security thing, how do you know, even if you manage to reach the age and approved for it, that what you get is enough after inflation?

@Mongoliaboo so it is a woman's right shit cuz, if the government is taken out of marriage, man have by default more power over the marriage.

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