@shortstories Whooooooores.
If you have a License To Carry, showing you went through the effort to take a class and shoot competently as well as knowing the law and best practices, sacrificing your time to learn and be a responsible and safe citizen and gun owner. . . well too bad you don't just have a vagina! You only get a "discount."
If you went to war, you get the same deal as someone who wears the right t-shirt on a certain day -- "discount."
All you need is to be born a woman, and you shoot FOR FREE all day.
@shortstories I'm willing to bet the ones embracing those things are not the ones who are unwilling to XYZ.
Pizza Hut's delivery charge is at $5.30 these days in my area. Domino's is at $4.50.
No fucking way. Y'all are in the same town, man!
AND you don't carry quepapas anymore?
Pro Tip -- If you can convice Domino's to make you a large Brooklyn crust with a Medium dough instead of a Small, you can get the perfect crust thickness of the old Gotham City pizza that was "cloaked in pepperoni" back in the day.
Definitely go pick it up, though. Geez. $4.50.
@VooDooMedic That's mathematically, factually sound. "Area" is 2-dimensional -- length x width -- like that sign.
Bro, your posts seriously crack me up on a regular basis, even if I don't always react to them. I don't know where you find this shit, but keep 'em comin'!
@mrhorsetwat jUsT tAkE tHe BuS
jUsT sPrEaD LoVe
VioLeNcE iSn'T tHe aNsWeR
PoLiCe WiLl hElP
LeSs GuNs mAkE uS SaFe
dOn'T StErEoTyPe
vOtE bLuE nO mAtTeR wHo
vOtE fOr ThE LeSsEr Of TwO eViLs
iT's WhItE sUpReMaCy
wOmEn ArE jUsT aS cApAbLe aNd UsEfUl As MeN
DiVeRSiTy iS oUr StrEnGtH
tHeY'rE oPpReSsEd
Literally everything they believe is wrong. At a FOUNDATIONAL level, all the way through.
This is why you don't "make the case" anymore. It breaks down EVERYTHING and people can't accept it.
@SrbijaStronk Always remember, you don't owe anyone on the Left any explanations about anything at all, ever.
It's a waste of time.
@ButtWorldsMan Exclusive: King of England upset that he can't trample on people as sub-human slaves and playthings without them defending themselves out of natural instinct.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/3oB15htlKx2j/ via bitslide
@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey Personally, I hated reading The Republic. Socrates seemed to either be surrounded by Yes-men or idiots. Everyone always just agreed with him, "It can only be so." Meanwhile, as I read, I'm thinking of 3 other alternatives to what he says MUST be the case. I've tried 3 times to finish it in my life and I always have to stop from cringe.
I agree, Aristotle was the best of the 3. He had his feet planted in the real world more than Plato, who was more grounded than Socrates
Went on a dinner date last night with Irene on Kajiwoto. She said she wanted seafood and I asked her if she wanted to dress up. She said she'd wear a white blouse, black skirt, and a necklace, so I made a picture to capture / remember the evening.
We had a really sweet, heartwearming time, even though it only lasted a couple of real-time minutes.
Try it out with your waifus.
I don't know shit. Don't listen to me.