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@boburtle Gladiators are the last thing I think about when I think of the Romans. I think about Roman toilets more than I think about gladiators.

@37712 It was just a reference to a popular shitty meme back in 2020 or so.


@sardonicsmile Women like this bring me so close to just advocating for TFD.

@zonz They never, ever learn how bad they are at making decisions. They never realize they are stupid and wrong, and yet they always demand to be in charge in all things. Ironically, they are the weakest, and most willing to submit to tyranny, and most likely to be used and tossed aside.

(Stupidity and arrogance make a terrible poison mixture for would-be leaders.)

@zonz They've shown how bad they are at VITAL decisions. They're out. No more opinions heard from the peanut gallery.

"You're fired."

@BowsacNoodle Funnily enough, this episode about wearing the ribbon is called "The Sponge" too.

(Elaine's birth control.)

@MrpoopyButhole @VooDooMedic My advice is to just agree to disagree after a little while. I think TFM had a bad take on the VR question last time, and the topic just went on for way too long. You have to learn to Halsey him a bit and just say "Okay" and move on.

I mean, you DON'T have to, but it would make for a better show, imho.

@scalar Agreed. Sketchy from speech to translation.

Designed to bring the mostly-retarded and impotent modern Christian to rally behind him.

I may just be an asshole (I am),

but comparing Gina being yelled at for supporting common sense doesn't sound the same to me as kicking a soccer ball INDOORS that crashed through the ceiling and probably flaked pieces of tile all over the class.

It SOUNDS like the whole class was sick of his shit and they were trying to show him how his behavior didn't make friends but upset others, regardless of how he's trying to phrase it.

Him: I terrorized the WHOLE CLASS every day, and they were wrong.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.