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I dreamed that Vladimir Putin refused to return my pink eraser because he wanted to show the ultimate weapon to his enemies. There was a lady inside the cabin who had a whet stone the size of a domino on a shelf by the door and she let me have it.

Putin was polite to me, but a bit selfish, I thought.

@basedbagel But this wasn't done to "current day" the show. This was actually strange to viewers at the time. Not that Japan wasn't always progressive like this, they just didn't care. They thought it was cool, like Christian symbols were cool and mystical to them.

@ButtWorldsMan I didn't see this was Shtkqhdjwknwhammer. For some reason I thought it was that faggot commentary Penguin guy, so I didn't watch it. Thanks for the link.

@ButtWorldsMan You misspelled "One post is a conspiracy theory and the second one is a guy asking generic questions because he really just doesn't give enough of a shit to follow this since it's not going to affect anything significantly."

@n3f_X @tyler He's been on BitChute, the last place where you can speak full truth aside from

Ronin Grey boosted

So it's just a flight log? Literally just a list?

It's not a "client" list, but a "visitor" list so that concave-brains can say, "That doesn't prove anything illegal happened!"

Do I misunderstand what was released?

@ButtWorldsMan idk why people ask bitches anything at all about anything at all, even subjects they should allegedly know something about.

I hate being examined by female doctors. They don't know WTF and never have any helpful insight. And no one ever asks me if I want to be touched by a woman.

No homo.

@basedbagel @TenaciousGoat Raccoons aren't that heavy, so that's not a problem for my door frame. But yeah, same convenience. I can hide it right behind the door and everything still looks clean.

@TenaciousGoat I'm getting a similar one next week. Mine has pull bands at the front. Won't take up space in my little apartment. Easy folding into the closet.

@civicwhitaker Budget. Horror can be made with the least funding. It therefore also provides the most profit if it's a hit.

Happy New Year, my guys.

Wishing you prosperity, protection, and good fortune.


@DoubleD @ButtWorldsMan @37712 I'm definitely not anti-milk or anti-whole-milk. I switched to skim only after it was recommended to me by a nurse to help with some digestive issues. Lol I was just trying to create a mental image of thick cream stuck in a fat's throat when they speak all nasally and out of breath.

If I'd said "buttermilk-covered throat" y'all would have complained about how buttermilk is yummy and how dare I be against it and still missed my attack point of ridicule.

@ButtWorldsMan @37712 rofl. When they speak you can hear the whole milk that's curdled in their throat.

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