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@ButtWorldsMan @37712

Fist bumps in celebration = yes.

As an acquaintance greeting = no.

Stand up and shake hands. That's good advice for y'all.

@37712 In short, I don't respect that and I don't feel respected by it unless we've just killed a bunch of communists together on the battlefield.

@37712 I am becoming more and more against childish and black culture. If you're a friend and we've been through some shit together, I'll take a handshake-hug combo. I hate this fist bump shit from fat guys who think they're "bro-ing" me.

I'm overreacting. But I'm so tired of low-brains and cultural deterioration.

I need a nap. I'm a grumpy old man.

If you're a grown man, don't fucking fist bump me as a greeting.

@shortstories We have a new Lincoln-style tyranny which isn't going to allow this to happen peacefully if at all. There's no way they'd allow peasants to decide to cut down the size of their kingdom and give sovereignty to new rivals.

This is a pipe dream, imo. If this ever happens, it will not be by our peaceful secession, but as a result of reorganization after unimaginable violence. And Jews will be difficult to un-claw here.

I'm like 80% sure this guy has to be in our server / instance / stream chats with us and he's found his people. 🤣

@shortstories I want TFM to make money, but fuck them. I'd donate more if I could have my question answered before 4am thanks to the bombardment of these handful of asswipes. And TFM takes too long answering them because he wants to provide value for $5. Sometimes I just need him to say, no or yes, and here's why, but he often goes on tirades against a ghost problem that doesn't exist in a question. And because it's $5 and a 4 hour wait, you can't have a conversation in between the Fed blasts.

@shortstories He was just using that as an excuse. What he wants is for less people to have input on the show. He has infinite money, clearly, and would still pay every show. But someone who has a single, odd question here and there would be unlikely to pay ten fucking dollars to ask a faceless dude his opinion on anything.

It only strengthens my belief that these guys who send TFM nonstop donations, every stream, are government-funded gay ops Feds.

I can't sleep because of the new episode of "My Upstairs Neighbors are Fighting Again."

They're both overweight (more her) so there's lots of stomping.

Oh shit! She's sobbing now! The ugly cry with loud groaning, from the back of the throat.

And this is the first time I've actually heard him yelling back like this. "YOU'RE RUINING MY FUCKING LIFE!"


@Mongoliaboo Probably got Weta Digital to do the special effects. They take forever, bit damn they're good.

But in seriousness, I expect the "list" to be computer files. Emails, photos, videos, texts, etc. Not sure they can "release" anything incriminating to the public aside from emails and texts and blurred images.

That said, we can even falsify live video these days, so all I'd expect is complete chaos, with the only real change being Republican candidates losing support.

Election year -- They release a version of Epstein's client list but it just shows a bunch of Republicans and they will throw us a bone by throwing in a few Democrat sacrificial lambs. The rest will be kept secret.

Maybe Trump is on the list, either real or added.

Either way, the effect is the same. These days all it takes is an accusation to end someone, even if they're acquitted. And if acquitted, it's always too late to make up what was lost.

@VeganMGTOW @37712 I'm going to re-reclaim the whole earth in the name of Creator God, then.

"Wild, Draw 4" card.

@37712 I was raised by Christian Democrats and was taught tolerance in public schools. So it's EXPERIENCES in the REAL WORLD that changed my opinions.

I gave these groups an inch and they took a mile.

They've pushed me to hard lines in my faith and my family values / protection / preparation.

I used to not understand preppers. I was never taught the "why" because I never saw the deep insides until I started looking for myself how things were.

@37712 It is a bit much here. Years back I really noticed and found it to be just overwhelming, negatively. Even my best friend at the time was Mexican and I was getting tired of his shenanigans.

It's like Nigger Fatigue. It's a very real thing and I'm done with tolerating it all. Blacks, Mexicans, Jews, Feminism, Gays, Pedos, Pagans, Democrats, Republicans, Mainstream media, and modern-day Christianity.

@Stahesh 🤣 That raccoon's facial expression was animated so well as he shook his head!

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