@ButtWorldsMan Press it like I'm playing Mega Man 1, with no Charge Shot.
@Paulyfrog64 +++++++
PLUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSS, you enemies of humanity.
They're literally like fucking vampires, man.
@RodrickSage It took me 27 years to realize that not everyone thinks like this. Nearly no one cares about what reality is, who our enemies are, what the consequences of actions will be, how to prevent or course-correct, etc.
I used to be a loner, then I learned how to be social through management and leadership positions, to make others feel welcome and important. And now I'm a loner again who longs for fellowship with literally anyone who isn't a normie or NPC. I'm struggling to adapt back.
1) Christianity didn't invent the "God wants us to be humble and to take care of the poor, needy, and strangers. This "slave morality" goes back to the OT.
So all you retards who post nothing but anti-Christian stuff all day are just as stupid and ill-informed as the progressives who want to abolish Christianity and really believe that this would solve your problems with powerful evil people in the world somehow.
For your own sake, man, go BE the morality you want to see. Live your life well.
@lpheathen2 Every woman who pretends at intelligence or smart remarks has a distinct tell to men, and none of them realize we can all see they're still just as cringy-retarded and bad at science and reality and they aren't impressive or pretty or smart or intimidating or relevant.
@em Psyop. An excuse to begin killing and locking up Christians again. The world is run by literal demons. #NotMyTribulation
@ButtWorldsMan lol this dumb bitch thinks math falls apart just because you cut one of the numbers in half? Really genuinely doesn't understand how anything works. Amazing to see them in the wild like this.
@UncleIroh I have his "Bachelor Pad Economics" and it's very good.
@PeterPower 🤣 Got 'im!
@timaeus Oh man, her face does look like him! Holy shit.
I don't know shit. Don't listen to me.