@DireGoy Holy shit
@suquili IG has been HEAVILY pushing gay shit the last week or so.
Faggotry all over, and I know they aren't getting it from my search history or purchases. And unless it's saying "faggots" I don't talk nicely about it so I know it's not from Google listening. It must just be time to push more gay shit. Pride Month Part 2: The Butt-pirate Strokes Back.
@homesteader_surfer I'm pretty sure that he bleeds, too. It might be green lizard blood, but he bleeds. And you know what they said in the movie "Predator."
@DoubleD Feedback is fine. You don't have to implement it unless you feel your way isn't working.
I think it works for me. When I ran a kitchen I made sure I said WE and US.
"We need more 'X' We should have some right next to the green peppers."
"Hey, we're out of 'Y' can you get us another bag?"
""Can you take that call for me, please? Thank yoouuu." Sometimes an exaggerated, cartoony "thank you" helps. But that works with my personality too.
"Go ahead and get that. I got this here."
@Tfmonkey Even if someone thinks the "TF" part is like the TF in "WTF" that gamer tag is still funny. "The Fuck Monkey"
@Justicar Citation needed.
@DireGoy Marching to Zion was the first one that got me, being a Christian.
@SuperLutheran Make it look like an accident.
@ButtWorldsMan Society got too stupid to remember faggots are mentally ill.
@Shadowman311 The greatest minds the world has seen were unmarried. We definitely shouldn't be restricting voting based on THIS criteria. This guy is shaping up to be worse every day. My money says he'll end up a revealed to be a pedo, a blatant homo, or Shinzo Abe'd.
@Mr_Mister Someone should tell him that the Jews he loves so much are doing the porn pushing. His gay little faggot head would explode.
@BowsacNoodle @blaaablaaaa My favorite anime film, easily. Second is Castle in the Sky.
@SirShawn looks like a tear in the pantyhose.
@Shlomo Congratulations
@kioshi Wow, these people really told him the wrong camera on purpose. Hahahahaha
@Scubbie Daaaayuuum!
If you tie with a Half Windsor-type of knot it likely looks like dogshit.
Don't use that sloppy ass-fart of a tie knot anymore.
Look at the fucking difference.
I also prefer it without a divot / crease.
If you HAVE to or WANT to wear a tie, you should look like a man who knows what he's doing.
@realcaseyrollins Legal partner, I think he is. Not a homo. Barnes, I believe is his name. Viva & Barnes.
Barnes is even more full of himself.
@Justicar I already spend it. $5.
I don't know shit. Don't listen to me.