Show newer is the replacement for aniwave, if anyone is interested.

New "compliance" trainee was hired on site. I'm pretty sure she's literally a gorilla. The keyboard player from Showbiz Pizza had more expression in its face and thoughts behind it than this blank-staring individual.

Someone just made a joke, too. And this thing is the only one in a room of 50 people who kept the same blank, lost expression. Not even a smirk. The only movement I've seen from this NPC is scratching its face and SOMETIMES turning the head left or right. It's a zombie.

@ruprecht Dumb bitches. Always 10 years behind but fully confident still in their intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom.

Ronin Grey boosted

@37712 I like songs that have talk about coming to life sung by a girl. That's some waifu goodness.

@Tfmonkey Holy shit, for a guilt-free Twix I'd pay extra per treat. Thanks for the heads up.

@martianvenator She's definitrly making a show of gravity, I'll give her that.

The joke is that the booger refused to be flicked off (as you said), and is still on my finger, and has been there since 1987.

I can show you to the bathroom but I can't hold your dick for you.

(Except for this time -- no homo)

Show older
Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.