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@shortstories @Tfmonkey Your questions my friend are on the cusp of A.I. real question is how can they imprison you with this technology?

@graf But if Russia launches a nuclear emp into the atmosphere,can you make fire,and identify what mushrooms are edible in the caves?Just asking for a friend.

@sickburnbro @NeoDelorean let me ask my AIPAC handler if I am allowed to help you on this issue,when I accepted the money for my campaign which American tax payers sent to them and I voted for,but that is not considered a kickback because your an antisemite if you think that,no just got the text can’t help you,can we have martinis next week maybe I can discuss Ukraine but I will need to talk with my AIPAC guy I’m on a tight leash,but I’m rich

@Tfmonkey A.I. generated child porn is bad OK,But does it need a Hard knock Florida Sheriff to bridge the gap between technology and the Law? So when the F.B.I plants child porn on your computer will the Law protect you?

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic thanks for the info I thought he was big pimping time traveler like Baron Trump

@maija @anonicus notice they cited it in a negative lite of pedos and it being unregulated so they can spotlight it for first infiltration and subversion then dominating for control then complete dismissal

@Paultron @Hoss Coach Deadpill made bad decisions on escape route

@Nazareno @megatron_ron Notice how Putin denounces the US here not Jewery, this will all be clear when the treaty to avert All out thermonuclear war is ratified,the digital world wide banking system is the goal for new world order controlled systems Putin and Trump will sign it and I’m sure Jared Kushner will provide the pens

This guy is going his own way,granted the coast guard,fish and wildlife officers and a Apache helicopter could fuck his world up if they gave a fuss but about as free as you can get in this country

@VeganMGTOW @Based_Accelerationist @VooDooMedic Is this a Furry sex domination thing,you share with your ball bumping buddies, not opposed to the barcode idea every one who takes a ride scans with the phone for contact traceing of stds,should be applied when they get their flower

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @leespringfield1903 @Marakus @Professor_Groyper @Shadowman311 he owned a muffler shop he wasn’t a Rockefeller,he had all his eggs in one basket and they fucked him

@VikingWays @Nazareno Mexican gangs have been working with the Jews and Chinese for decades prostitution and fentanyl,in Florida the Jews own the strip malls where the Mexican restaurants and Asian massage parlors are and they have cash not saying that if you rob them you won’t get shot they have guns as well and pay off the cops and blackmail them,what would Jesus do

Hadn’t seen or want to see this flic yet,maybe when it is streaming during the election and I am locked down for bird flu,but if you got media on your vest and are taking my photo in a revolution,your career is over double tap to be certain

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