
Imagine that, for whatever reason, you identified as your mind and thus your brain. You didn't think of your body as much more than a "meat mech" that your mind/brain piloted.

You would do brain exercises and take nootropic supplements, but you neglected your body and became unhealthy. Then one day you have the realization that your brain needs the rest of your body to live, and everything is interdependent.

You stop identifying with the mind/brain and embrace your whole body as yourself.

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@Tfmonkey the ego is reality, the superego is what you should do, and the IT is what you want.

there is achievement in harmony.

@Tfmonkey Our bodies are the worst "mechs", if anything takes damage or gets infected to a certain point we just die, no saving ejection to pilot another day.

@Tfmonkey There are neurons in The our guts that affect The mood of people that Is why meat dairy and eggs consumption destroy human health

@Tfmonkey Isn't that just a product of language to pinpoint the exact area of yourself which you need to refer? In your home, you refer to individual rooms as their own being, but you still think of it as part of your home. If you suggest "let's sit in the living room" it's not like you're mentally separating your living room as it's own housing unit, you still consider it part of the whole house. If you arm hurts, it doesn't help to say "I hurt", you need to specify where on yourself.

@Mike_Microwave There is a deeper meaning, but the main issue at play is the matter of identity, and to recognize that what we identify as is little more than a useful product of language.

We separate to identify, but in reality, the separation is an illusion.

Or to put it another way: Where does your lap go when you stand up?

@Tfmonkey Technically all nerve tissue is a form of brain tissue, they are mechanistically identical. If someone loses a limb they are losing a portion of their brain. Once one see's the brain not as a singular organ thats plugged into the spinal cord, but rather as a central core of an otherwise decentralized system of thinking, it changes ones perspective of biophysics. Biology is an absolutely fascinating subject that I hold immense reverence for even though its outside my domain expertise.

@Brianhere @Tfmonkey Don’t forget to brush your teeth,and say your prayers @Brianhere

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