
No show tonight

My website is still down, so I have nobody to talk to, and I don't want to manually comb through the comments looking for superchats for hours. I'm going to take the night off.

Hopefully everything gets fixed for Wednesday.


@Tfmonkey The jews got AMR and now TFM. Damn, at least we got to see an ukranian chad bombing a town meeting today

@Tfmonkey No worries Tiffum take it easy tonight. Hopefully the tech issues get resolved in time for the Christmas stream. 🎄

@Tfmonkey if only it could be fixed by taking a night off or maybe getting fiber?

@Tfmonkey Have a good one, TFM. Thank you for all you do.

@Tfmonkey You deserve a break anyway.

FWIW the site's back up on my end.

@Tfmonkey what am I supposed to jerk off to tonight ? What the fuck?

@Tfmonkey I hope everything gets fixed, but I guess this day would come eventually. The manosphere has been living on borrowed time.

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