
For what it's worth, I did a keto hotdog taste test. I bought 100% beef hotdogs from Costco, Sam's Club and some Ballpark hotdogs to compare them to a name brand.

The Ballpark dogs were the worst. The Sam's Club ones were thicker than my hot dog toaster (yes I have a hot dog toaster) could accommodate, but the Costco hot dogs were the clear winner.

Get the "bun sized" hotdogs, BTW.

Also, if you eat 6 hot dogs with high fiber keto-buns over a single day, be prepared to fart and shit all day.

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@Tfmonkey I let the ingredients label decide for me which product is best. Store brand is frequently better than the name brands. I don't know how name brands continue to exist.

@Tfmonkey from ozempic to a mouthful of weird wieners, your body continues to be a chemistry clusterfuck.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey After military he can eats everything.

Because the shit that give to soldiers woulbe on same level.😇

@Tfmonkey Its got fucking dextose in it

That shit is created sugar they buy by the tonne
@Tfmonkey TFM

If your serious about Keto/Int Fasting

Then avoid


Dextrose is a type of simple sugar derived from corn starch

Dextrose is NOT keto/Carnavore/Ketovore friendly

Can a Product with Dextrose Still be Keto?

Here are some ingredients you should avoid in products marketed as “keto-friendly.”

• Dextrose
• Maltodextrin
• IMO (isomaltooligosaccharides)
• Corn syrup
• Sugar (including raw sugar)
• Tapioca
• Fructose
• Coconut sugar
• Maple syrup
• Molasses
@Tfmonkey >The Sam's Club ones were thicker than my hot dog toaster (yes I have a hot dog toaster
Since you have them anyway, just boil them in water.

You could also saute them and mix with your filler of choice (or put on a bun, still good especially with Italian seasoning).

@realman543 I prefer to grill hotdogs, which is why I like the hot dog toaster.

@Tfmonkey Grilled would be good too. Don't do it often myself.

Again, don't grill often, but I imagine you could add some aromatic herbs to the coals for a similar taste.

I personally recommend trying it sauteed with garlic and onions though. Butter or olive oil depending on preference. Fucking delicious. Mushrooms too if you're not opposed. Can make a mean hot dog.

@realman543 If I wanted to spend THAT much time cooking, I would make something OTHER than a hotdog.

@Tfmonkey @realman543 We have to be willing to de couple from the ((( Mainstream )))
Goyslop is poisoned and unhealthy on purpose
@Tfmonkey It's really not that much more time. You can throw the hot dogs in with the veggies, and either saute like that (though the veggies will probably come out hard) or you can wait on the garlic and italian (or whatever) seasoning until after you steam.

So like cook up until hot dogs are mostly cooked through, add a small amount of water and then let sit for like 5-10 minutes (you may need to add more water if it starts to burn). You don't even have to watch it if you don't want to. I do this all the time for chicken stir-fry, so I admittedly don't have much experience with hot dogs but the basic concept should hold.

Also, if you're that opposed, it would be a decent "cheat" snack if you want a relatively cheap but totally delicious meal you can stuff your face with. I cannot overemphasize my love for this style of hot dog.

@realman543 It's not about the time, it's about the meat. If I'm going to saute veggies, I'll use some chicken or something, not cut up a hot dog. The whole point of hot dogs is that they're fast and cheap.

@Tfmonkey Got it. Although you can do the same with sausage, but I'd imagine you'd have the same problem.

@37712 I did. I wanted to taste test Costco versus Sam's Club, and I threw in the Ballpark ones as a control.

@Tfmonkey @37712 waiting for the weiner spread sheet analysis,are keto buns worth it?

@Scubbie @37712 They're a bit expensive, but it's better than using a tortilla or some lettuce instead of actual bread.

@Tfmonkey @37712 the Arnold brand is at the grocery I was tempted to try it was like $7 and regular buns are like $2 they looked like wheat bread and seemed firm not soft like a foam bun

@Scubbie @37712 They're more expensive for sure, but not having to have "cheat days" because I can eat anything I want is worth it.

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