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@basedbagel it's not that simps have "found out about geomaxing", but more than simps have gone to Asia and begun to simp to the women there because they're simps and they crave the validation of women and have been enculturaled to simp for headpats.

@basedbagel it's about identity. A lot of people have race as their primary identity and see everything through the lens of race.

It's like how under Marxism everything is about class. Marx saw everything as a class struggle, but most people don't identity very strongly with their class which is why Marxism shifted under the Frankfurt School to cultivating various Marxism identities via race, gender, sexuality, etc.

@FinalDresdonation it's simple. The younger members of the elite see the system collapsing over the coming decades and are pushing back against the elderly leadership that doesn't care because they'll be dead by the time it happens.

@blitzdriver if the media catches onto this they'll label anyone who takes the day off as a white nationalist and pit them on a government list.

@dander @VooDooMedic It's because COVID is actually SARS/MERS, disease that's been around for decades.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @YeetLibs He just complimented her looks and said she was smart. He didn't confess his love and start naming their future children or anything.

Maybe he went overboard by calling her "very smart" and saying that she looked "great". He should have said "you a'ight for a dumb bitch" and proceeded and choke and rape her in the Taco Bell bathroom.

@FinalDresdonation @southpole21 The steps I outlines are:

Californication: the worst ideas are made into law, but at least we still have our guns.

U.K.ification: they took our guns and our free speech.

South Africation: white people become second-class citizens in an ironic reversal of Nazi Germany and the Jews.

Venezuelification: Hyperinflation, collapse, war. However the Right will be long-since purged by this point. It's mostly the trash taking itself out.

@FinalDresdonation gonna go with Australia for building concentration camps for the unvaxed and for having a population of retarded welfare dependent cavemen to babysit.

@basedbagel The US adapted the model laid out by the British Empire, but instead of building colonies in other countries and ruling over them overtly, we build military bases and use the CIA to steal elections/instigate coups/overthrow governments and replace them with our puppets.

In the end, the British Empire never collapsed, it just got reorganized under new management.

@dander Chillstep feels a bit to fast for me, like it would make better dancing music than relaxing music. Thanks for caring enough to recommend though.

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