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@Engineer people need an enemy to overcome. I guess it keeps things interesting.

Even if the "mutants" flee, the "humans" will search for them everywhere they go.

If we can't find an enemy, we'll invent one. It doesn't matter. Love requires hate. Non-duality and all that.

@Engineer It will be a religious crusade. It's fine, it's human nature. Dominance and will to power and such.

@Engineer hence why I foresee wars breaking out against "the mutants" and the "pure humans" at some point.

Basically science fiction race war.

@Engineer right, and then what does being human mean? Who is the "true heir" of humanity once humans are spacefaring?

@ButtWorldsMan I'm not pretending to have any inside information about the current situation.

I'm judging the situation based on what's been going on for a while and what makes sense.

@zebuceta @ButtWorldsMan Communism would exist without Jews. You have proto-communist movements throughout history.

The weak always crave "equality" and want to redistribute wealth and not work.

Rome purged their Jews, and still fell to corruption and decadence. It's not a Jewish problem, it's a human nature problem.

@ButtWorldsMan @zebuceta It's understandable. When you're on Alt-Tech long enough, the Nazi stuff starts to rub off on you simply through repetition.

@37712 of course, the Ukraine war is the fulcrum that the future of the world pivots.

@zebuceta I'm sure they used his jewishness to get them to turn, perhaps bringing up Russia's cozying up to Iran as proof that Russia is a threat to the Jewish people, thus giving him more incentive to betray his country.

However, in the end, mercenaries are gonna do what mercenaries do. Relying on mercenaries in a war against NATO, which (currently) controls the world's monetary system, was always going to temp your mercenaries to betray you.

@ButtWorldsMan It is unfortunate for Russia because this will allow NATO to regroup and perhaps attack the nuclear power plant as Russia is distracted.

You have to hand it to NATO for really leaning into being the bad guy.

@ButtWorldsMan Yes, his recent statements about Ukraine winning and Russia abandoning the troops can now be seen for what they were.

The Wagner Heresy was phase 2 of the counter offensive.

Purge the Heretics. Show no mercy.

@zebuceta I don't think his jewishness is the issue. I think that him being a mercenary is the issue.

The soldiers who have been fighting alongside Wagner are understandably confused, and this whole event shows the danger of relying on mercenaries in a war.

Sadly, Putin has to utterly crush Wagner now. A traitor is worse than an enemy.

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Here is my monkey hunch on what's going on with Wagner in Russia, just to put it on the record in case I'm right when the dust settles.

Wagner were bought off by NATO, and there was a pre-existing plan for Wagner to launch a coup against Putin when Russia was on the backfoot.

However, with the counteroffensive failed, but the US unwilling to take the "L" on anything, they activated the Wagner coup in desperation.

They have another coup planned for Belarus if you think this is farfetched

@Brianhere noun
the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.

an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.

verb (used with object),pur·posed, pur·pos·ing.
to set as an aim, intention, or goal for oneself.

to intend; design.

verb (used without object),pur·posed, pur·pos·ing.
to have a purpose.

Insomnia insights:

Happiness is an emotion. It only exists within your own head, and thus there is nothing to pursue.

Put aside happiness, and find a purpose. A purpose exists outside of yourself and can be found. Your purpose is how you fit in with those around you for mutual benefit

Purpose is impersonal and outward looking. Meaning is personal and inward looking. Don't confuse the two.

The reason selfish people are unhappy is because of purposelessness. Find what you were meant to do.

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