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@Xenophon If they would "follow orders" to fight for Israel you can bet your ass they wouldn't think twice about attacking you if ordered to do so.

@ButtWorldsMan @Scubbie @37712 because OPEC will embargo the West when Israel starts their ground invasion.

They are doing "raids" right now apparently.

@mrhorsetwat All the money for infrastructure wound up in the coffers of the Democrat Party somehow.

@ButtWorldsMan @Scubbie @37712 I would argue that the end began when the Ukrainian counter-offensive failed and Russia defeated NATO.

The Hamas attack and the reaction to it stem from that defeat.

@ButtWorldsMan @Scubbie @37712 We're in the end game now, and everything is beginning to crumble. Expect them to get more desperate as they run out of options.

@cuddlebaboon where is this happening? I haven't heard of any welfare cuts.

Here is my method to stay up to date about the latest developments in the wars happening everywhere.

I check the Federated tab, and if I see nothing but anime girls, then everything is calm.

If I see a bunch of screen-grabs from telegram along with maps, then shit might be happening.

If I see videos of explosions along with pro-Islamic memes, then shit just got real.

@ButtWorldsMan @MrpoopyButhole coping hard on Ukraine and now coping hard about the US defeating Russia with stealth aircraft. Now he's suddenly gone from fleeing to Canada from Ukraine to a multimillionaire.

Even if the money is legit, one has nothing to do with the other.

@houseoftolstoy yes, the orthodox jews just want to be left alone and have their little communities, and raise their families in peace. I have no problem with them. In fact, I respect them.

@Moon she wrote a book about surfing too. She's so talented.

@37712 In the interest rate is below the inflation rate, and you can easily afford the payment, and you're not hard up for additional income, go ahead and pay the debt slowly.

If you are looking for additional monthly income, paying off debt can be a good way to add some money into your pocket.

@Lorgar I was thinking about getting a 3D printer anyway because they're talking about a law in California to require a background check to own a 3D printer since you could technically make gun parts with one, so I figured that I might as well get one since the government doesn't want me to own one.

@Lorgar maybe One Page Rules will catch on, but I don't even know if there is a game store close to my house.

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