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Smégol: "Wicked men; servants of Sauron. They are called to Mordor. The Dark One is gathering all armies to him. It won't be long now. It will soon be ready."

Sam: "Ready to do what?"

Sméagol: "To make His war. The last war that will cover all the world in shadow."

@ButtWorldsMan you're not going to be able to read any detail once that is shrunk down. . . I'll just do it myself

@Pain66 don't let them gaslight you into thinking they've changed or learned their lesson either. They are just temporarily being nice to you because they need something from you, and the nanosecond the danger is over they'll go back to bitching about toxic masculinity and how oppressed they are.

@37712 @theFlow sometimes a guy wants to be the little spoon, and sometimes he wants to be the big spoon.

@ForbiddenDreamer poopoo time is also peepee time, but peepee time isn't always poopoo time.

@ButtWorldsMan we thought they were Aske-nazis, but it turns out they were just plain ol' vanilla nazis.

@ButtWorldsMan it's not that Russia beat us, it's that ... Ukraine was actually full of nazis and we didn't know.

@Xenophon I suggest you look up July 28, 1932, when the U.S. government attacked World War I veterans (who were protesting unpaid wages during the Great Depression) with tanks, bayonets, and tear gas.

These were active duty soldiers attacking their own veterans.

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