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@ButtWorldsMan they are letting black people commit crimes with impunity now, there is your low crime statistic.

They're also lying about inflation and manipulating the CPI and energy markets.

SFO is letting his Canadian show.

The anime adaptation of TFM. Where everyone gets gender swapped.

Whenever you hear someone blame the West's decline and downfall on the decline of religion, simply poke them a bit and you'll find that they are really complaining about collapsing white birthrates and replacement immigration.

Kindly suggest that the problem is feminism and women's rights though, and they'll look at you like you're mad.

@PordanJeterson athletes don't eat the same food, but in the military, every eats the same food and black people don't smell bad. In the Navy, they pack people into the berthing spaces and people sleep very close to each other.

There were stinky motherfuckers, but that was because they didn't shower or they worked in engineering, not because of race.

Your microbiome and metabolism are directly affected by your diet.

It's all the spice and fried food.

@PordanJeterson sure I do, it was back when Cat and DDJ were on the show and we would take call in guests.

Also where is my manifesto? I was promised a manifesto and my festo is unmanned.

Dugin argues the globalist West has left no democratic path for the ordinary West to affect the course of politics, and 2024 has to be the year of overthrowing governments.

@ugly_bastard_reborned @basedbagel @RodrickSage religion adapts to culture as much as culture adapts to religion. The West's flavor of christcuckholdry is a product of 100 years of feminism as much as feminism is a product of slave morality.

It's all a reinforcing cycle of values, but just as America changed from a country that valued freedom to one that valued equality, what changed once can change again.

@a7 not only that, but snot and pussy juice are basically the same thing. Your nose is wet and eager to be fingered.

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