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@FinalDresdonation @ButtWorldsMan The cathedral is buying for time, but no matter what they do, they bring themselves closer to their demise with no good options.

They need to flood the country with illegal aliens to speedrun demographic replacement because COVID was release early and fizzled out before they could push their agenda through. They were supposed to launch their "reset" in 2025-2030 when whites would be a minority naturally and COVID would be a crisis.

part 1 of 2.

@vivi because we live in a world of scarce resources and competition for those resources. This creates winners and losers, which creates envy and resentment along with pride and greed.

@ButtWorldsMan she's got a wedding ring on. Maybe her husband encouraged her to look like a pornstar.

@DoubleD @kaede_waifu Use normal old super glue. Normally superglue leaves a flakey "scale", but when it comes to fingernails, the nail is solid, so you won't feel the "scale" like you would if you tried to repair a tear with super glue.

@NEETzsche @CheshireHuman hatred and resentment only unites for as long as they remain losers.

Once they take power (which they have), they invariably splinter into warring factions. The Jewish faction has taken total power over the Left (as the crackdown against Palestinian supports shows) and now the non-Jewish Left realizes that they've been played.

I'm just waiting for the shooting to start at this point. I'm not trapped here with them, they're trapped here with me.

@CheshireHuman that timeline trends if you consider how much Biden has done in only 3 years.

This is why they can't let Trump win. Even if they crash the economy, they'll miss their window to use the government to seize total power in the crisis.

@CheshireHuman I was talking about in Rock music, hence why I brought up Queen.

@Based_Accelerationist No, if I didn't live in the US, I wouldn't care who was President. The rest of your comment was nonsense.

@sardonicsmile feelings follow focus, so focus on X when you want to savor the moment, and if you don't want your emotions getting in the way, focus on something else.

Feelings are just thoughts. You can control your thoughts.

@sardonicsmile You can eat flavorless but nutritious slop with vitamins and nutrients that will keep you alive but tastes like wet paper.

Or you can enjoy a flavorful delicious meal.

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