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@Scubbie they've all been deleted. Are they recommending you dead links?

They got rid of the men's room. The men's room has been turned into a "family bathroom" while the women's room has become a "mother's room".

So now both bathrooms are women's rooms essentially, but women have their own "safe space" bonus bathroom, since trannies can't have babies.

@Zeb @RoninGrey @Stahesh yes, there is no "solution" other than to help and support each other.

@dander I've been there, done that, and bought the t-shirt.

Women's loyalty is inversely proportional to her options.

Do you want a young clean woman in her 20s who can give you children, too fucking bad because those are "the best years of her life" and she won't settle down with you.

You have to wait until she's done with her "hoe phase" (read: hit the wall in her 30s) and then buy her used half eaten steak for full price.

Maybe you get one retarded kid out of all of it. Fuck that shit.

@RoninGrey @Stahesh it's human nature. If people weren't like this, putting nutritional labels on food would have solved obesity.

@Stahesh @RoninGrey without hyperinflation and a draft, nobody will do shit because all of the problems are abstract and not affecting people's lives in an unavoidable way.

The woke anti white racism doesn't affect most people's daily lives. The black crime and immigration mostly affects cities. The grooming in public schools only affects public schools.

There are ways to avoid these problems without a civil war, and because the pain is avoidable, most whites will do nothing

@ButtWorldsMan @Mike_Microwave These tech companies are trying to build AI datacenters to power their version of Chat GPT so they can create black popes and asian nazis like Google.

@Indignation you're overthinking it. Just take entertainment at face value and if it's not for you, don't consume it.

@boburtle the gynocentric power of black women is simply due to welfare dependence, which has become endemic within black communities.

Black women don't need men because they're all married to the government. The only things they need black men for are fuckbois and slaves so any unsuitable males are discarded without a second thought.

@GrungeQueef Yes, the OP just used an AI generated Braveheart Mel Gibson to bag on white people.

100% chance they're Jewish.

@Wopu I'll let them know. The dropped sponsorship is temporary because he's sponsoring a Nascar ad.

@Indignation 51% rule my guy. If I only liked people who agreed with me, I would have nobody.

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