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@shatterrealm do you support women losing their voting rights, being kicked out of the workforce, and having their education ended after Middle School so they can focus on getting married and making babies instead of girl bossing?

@LukeAlmighty it's just a form of soft nationalization, which all Communist regimes have always done. They've learned that rather than overtly own the means of production, just collapse industries into a few "too big to fail" companies that the government can control behind the scenes. And again, they can use those companies to do things the government can't legally do as well.

They're recreating the Chinese CCP system in the West. It's called "State Capitalism".

@LukeAlmighty Blackrock handles the governments employee pension funds, which is billions of dollars. Just like with social media, the government sets up shop in private companies and makes them do what the government can't legally do.

Haven't you noticed that the ESG bullshit and the mass censorship on social media (which has been proven to be government controlled) all occurred at the exact same time?

@ZOOMMOON @NecroHole @PinochetsCommieCopter @Turdicus This is basically that gymnastics meme where you overcomplicate everything in order to take the responsibility for women's behavior away from women themselves and place it onto Jews.

Let's say I agree with you, so what? Are you going to take women's rights away? No, you're not. Why? Because you would rather talk about Jews all day while your women murder your race.

Is this endless pussy worship a spiteful mutation perhaps?

@shortstories Iran proves that even a theocracy isn't enough as long as you educate women.

@Indignation That may have been the plan, but with the clusterfuck known as Ukraine, and global de-dollarization, can they recruit the Lebanese to launch a color revolution?

I'm sure they'll try, but will they succeed? Probably not.

@basedbagel It's not a bathroom for "women", but "mothers", which trans women cannot be since they can't have babies.

It's kind of genius, and of course, men pay the price by losing their bathroom.

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