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@37712 sorry massah. I fogit to set da show to public massah.

@Avdol10 There is a reason why the US refuses to use the F22 and F35 in Ukraine, and it's because they're desperately trying to preserve their perception of invincibility, but that ship has already sailed except for the copiest of copers.

@Remi They've moved from shoving it down your throat, to sitting on your face and shitting it down your throat.

Every day my life be like:

"Haha you thought the government wouldn't ignore stagflation and double down, causing the entire financial system to collapse while driving all the commodities producers in the world into the arms of BRICS.

You said the government wouldn't keep rates above 5% because it would cause the interest payments on the debt to force debt monetization and hyperinflation.

But the government did all of those things and the world hasn't presently ended. What do you have to say?"

@Lorgar @ButtWorldsMan Just remember that "white boy summer" will be immediately canceled the nanosecond it benefits Jews to do so.

What saddens me is how quickly and eagerly the whites come to defend the Jews and think that they're winning.

We'll see how eager they are to be drafted and die for Israel.

@Lorgar @ButtWorldsMan So now that the government is on the side of white men simply because it benefits Jews temporarily, you're celebrating?

This is a textbook example of winning the battle while losing the war.

@MeroUser666 Man, even my hobby videos get haters.

@Based_Accelerationist @Zeb there is permanent solution because of the will to power.

Those with power will want to consolidate that power, while those without power will try to find a way to take power.

Contentment isn't within human nature, and people would rather rule in hell than serve in heaven.

Just embrace that nothing lasts forever, and enjoy the flower while it is in bloom instead of crying about how short the flower lives.

@PeachySummer As you age, your skin loses it's elasticity, so people use "filler" to puff up their faces and stretch out their wrinkles.

It's looks retarded, but in their eyes, having an unnatural puffy face is better than wrinkles.

@Based_Accelerationist @Zeb obviously the problem is government corruption as a whole. If it's not the Jews, it's the unions, the corporations, "big pharma" or a thousand other lobbies.

Government wants to be lobbied and lobbyists want to corrupt the government.

The only solution I can think of is to have small and decentralized government, making corruption local and easily avoidable.

@Zeb @Based_Accelerationist I want people to be free to live their lives in their communities, so I support the Orthodox Jews who just want to be left alone.

The problem is when they get in bed with the government.

It's the same thing with unions. I'm not against unions if workers want to organize and collectively bargain. The issue comes when they get in bed with the government and force unionization and pro-union laws.

@37712 @LysanderMooner I don't want to get into an internet debate live on the show. I don't have my sources on hand to go point by point. That's why I just accept his argument and get back on track with the actual point I was making.

@BHG you'll have to skip town immediately before she has the court freeze your bank accounts and revoke your passport.

If she's already dropped papers on you and lawyered up, it's probably too late.

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