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Hello insomnia my old friend

I've come to post some shit again

And Lions Mane I should be drinking

Instead my brain won't stop thinking

And the dumb shit that just rattles in my brain

Still remains

Scrolling through anime boobs

Attention: The Republican Party will now be known as the Jewcumlickin Party.

That is all.

@Ness2000 @YoMomz @37712 @Lorgar The term "The Cathedral" comes from Moldbug. I merely borrowed it, but it doesn't matter as long as you know what I'm talking about.

Do you want to receive free sex toys for Amazon reviews? I have a sponsor looking for Amazon reviews. There are only two products for men (most are for women as is common in the sex toy industry). Here is the link:

If interested, email Vera at [email protected]

@37712 @BiggusDiccus @PapaPole You can get affordable plastic minis that aren't Games Workshop for $5 a pop. A resin printer isn't needed unless you're printing pirated Games Workshop models, and that's only important if you want to play in official tournaments with an "illegal" army.

@BiggusDiccus @PapaPole @37712 FDM is good enough for gaming. If you want to make little art statues, you can use resin, or you can just buy kits from someone who charges less than Games Workshop.

Note that FDM works great on large models like vehicles and terrain.

@37712 @PapaPole They're all naked women, but my FDM printer can't make that fine of detail. I tried printing one once and you could barely tell.

@viatorem @BHG I'm probably not on the manosphere list because I'm already on the nazi list.

That would explain why I get deplatformed alongside the nazis whenever there is a purge.

I promise you I'm on some kind of list.

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