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@YoMomz all child molesters are pedophiles, but not all pedophiles are child molesters, but it's rational to shame and stigmatize pedophilia so it doesn't mature into child molestation.

As for why it happens? Probably the same reason gay people happen, hormone imbalances and being molested themselves as children.

@37712 Don't get defensive, but don't complain about how unhappy you are either. Accept responsibility for the path you chose and all the consequences thereof.

If you want to know if any of your friends are pedophiles, text them "HAPPY CNY"

If they respond with "what's CNY" you can tell them it means Chinese New Year, and your friend isn't a pedophile.

If they respond with 😭 😭 😭 then you're friend is a pedophile.

This is a really good video about the practical way to control your desires.

@houseoftolstoy the demise of the energy crisis has been greatly exaggerated, and with the Ukraine war being extended indefinitely as NATO troops replaced decimated Ukrainian forces, don't expect things to change.

@basedbagel It's likely too late to do anything, and they might kick you out to punish you for lying to them, so just let nature take its course.

@basedbagel @Pain66 Everyone is missing the most obvious reason for widespread unexplained heart attacks . . .

. . . a Deathnote!

@VeganBob I'm really tired of talking to you about this and you not getting it, so just imagine you lived in a world where you got paid in coupons that could only be used to buy certain things, but you needed other things.

All that would happen is the things you were allowed to be would be bartered for the things you couldn't buy, period.

The government would have to shut the money off completely forever to prevent this, which is functionally the same as a monetary collapse.

Good day sir.

@VeganBob In prisons, they used to use cigarettes as currency because the prisoners weren't allowed to have cash. These days, they use packs of Raman as currency because cigarettes are no longer common in prisons.

Do you understand the difference between wealth, money and currency? Once you do, you'll understand why you're wrong.

@VeganBob Because you think controlling currency is the same as controlling demand.

@VeganBob I already explained it as simply as I can, so all I will end up doing is repeat myself.

Good day sir.

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