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@rohrkrepierer @PapaPole While I'd rather pedophiles fap to lolis than molest children, lolicons needs to keep that shit to themselves because I really don't need to know that about you.

@rohrkrepierer @PapaPole Artists go where they can express themselves. The west has become anti-expression unless that expression is making women ugly and grooming children.

@PapaPole @rohrkrepierer I used to play MOBA games and spent money on those, as well as TF2 back in the day, but I got my money's worth due to the hours I played them.

However, with freemium casual games like gatcha games, there isn't much to the gameplay to justify spending money. If you just want to unlock pictures of your waifu, just look them up online and download them.

@PapaPole @rohrkrepierer never spend money on mobile games. If the game feels like a grind, then it's not fun and you shouldn't be playing at all. If the gameplay is fun, then who cares? Just enjoy the game and enjoy what you get for free.

Will to make it to the top of the leaderboards as a free to play? Of course not. Will you have fun? Yeah, and that's all that matters.

@Deuces @rohrkrepierer It wasn't one woman. Because Sparta was a warlike state, the men died fairly often and because the women could inherit property, they become richer and more powerful until they become "kingmakers" behind the scenes, affecting politics even though they couldn't vote.

They were the original "special interest group" that used campaign donations to influence politicians to do what they wanted.

@Deuces @rohrkrepierer The same thing happened in Sparta. Honestly, allowing women to inherit property was a mistake because while the men died in war, the widows and daughters became rich power brokers without any responsibility to the state that provided for them.

@rohrkrepierer Yeah I play casual mobile games via bluestacks on my computer.

Jalter is a top tier "naughty church girl" waifu. I started playing FGO because Yu Mei Ren looks like my IRL waifu Celestina.

@VeganMGTOW nah, it's totally random, but if I keep being unnaturally lucky then . . . maybe.

I know this is random, but I have an NP2 Anra Mainiiu in Fate Grand Order, which means I've received two copies of him, which is crazy because he's the rarest servant in the game, and there are whales that don't even have one copy of him.

@WashedOutGundamPilot Women used to like me when I was rich and good looking, but now that I'm bankrupt and fat, women never flirt with me. What advice do yo have for me? (Please don't say to get a job and lose weight.) Thank you :)

@Wormwood chicken are magical devices that turn inedible bugs into edible eggs and chicken tendies.

@FinalDresdonation I don't talk about this publically anymore because people take my words out of context, make investments, and then get mad at me because they lost money.

you'll have to subscribe to my market newsletter by giving me $5 a month on SubscribeStar or GiveSendBro.

@37712 Silicon Valley Bank was heavily invested in tech startups, venture capital, and crypto.

The safe investments in bonds lost too much value and their balance sheet was negative, then the run happened.

@37712 credit unions don't offer corporate accounts, only personal accounts. It's the corporate accounts that take too much risk and bring the banks down.

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