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@Wormwood @LordMordred @MaleGoddess The phrase "all men are created equal" in the Declaration of Independence is a response to the divine right of kings (because it was written to a king), and the founding fathers did not believe in equality. They were slave owners who never intended to give women the right to vote and restricted the vote to landed gentry (of which 75% of American males qualified as land was cheap), but prior to the income tax, created a tax-payer voting system.

@furgar reminds me of the half mermaid half minotaur that's just a normal dude.

@furgar it's not just about the body count. She could have been with one guy and had sex just as many times with one guy as 37.

The issue is that her behavior says a lot about her character, and the fact that she doesn't see any problem with it and isn't remorseful whatsoever means that she isn't "ready to settle down". She is just aware that her biological clock is winding down and she's looking for a sucker with money to divorce rape.

@RodrickSage the version of her you had in your mind is surely better than the actual person you had a crush on. That's often how infatuation works. We fall in love with our imagination. She was essentially a waifu in your mind with a real world equivalent, but those two people were never the same. The waifu in your mind was what you loved and you projected that waifu onto her.

The trick is that your waifu still exists in your mind and we have sex dolls and AI waifus now, so go live the dream.

@mutageno It's San Francisco. I'm surprised they don't have homeless crackhead executives.

@sardonicsmile No, I'm just going to see how it feels and if I notice any benefit. I don't have the equipment to quantify that benefit though.

@Deuces @furgar @DCR Rather than repeat myself again, I'll just challenge you to kill all the jews in the world and then be shocked when there is still communism.

Then I'll be there to point out that communism is built on the envy and resentment of the weak, and isn't the domain of any one weak and envious ethnic group.

The Jews got BTFO by Hadrian and were minorities in other countries for thousands of years, hence they're particularly envious and resentful, but envy and resentment is human.

@DCR @furgar It's called critical theory. It's a Communist tactic going back to the Frankfurt school.

The goal is to attack western culture from every angle possible, class, race, gender, sexuality, environment, etc. and tie everything back to capitalism in order to grease the wheels for a Communist Revolution.

Notice how while everything is about straight white men, it's ultimately always about Capitalism?

@furgar It reminds me of the Racism flow chart where no matter what white people do, they're racist. The difference is that it's class envy and resentment rather than race envy and resentment.

@RealRaul *paints controversial political image on street where cars drive*

*cars drive on it*

@kgibson Get some screw anchors. Lightly push them in and when you put a screw into them they expand to snugly grip "soft" materials like plastic and drywall. You can buy them wherever tools and stuff are sold.

@37712 I can save the water from when I rinse out her removable vagina if you're into that sort of thing, but it's really just a joke. I haven't sold a single jar.

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