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@ButtWorldsMan @37712 @zebuceta Maybe India and South Africa were bought off. I guess it's time to buy US bonds and sell commodities.

@zebuceta @37712 They're acting like a girlfriend who was just caught cheating, and is throwing lies against the wall and hoping something sticks.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @zebuceta No, at least not that I've seen. It's all prompt based. I use the tag "realistic" but it still spits out Lovecraftian horrors.

@zebuceta Those create 1970s Planet of the Apes hybrid ape-men.

@Mike_Microwave @zebuceta It's going to get fixed. I've already made some calls. I'm done with this shit.

@zebuceta Yes I pay over $120 a month for this bullshit.

I've made an appointment to get a secondary router installed. the downside is the soonest they'll fit me in is next thursday, so two more shitty streams

@ButtWorldsMan I actually have human hands for some reason, which is why I have to wear chimpanzee gloves so nobody suspects I'm a mutant.

I really like how Celestina looks in this, but I looks like I'm face-palming and my face is made of rubber.

TFW your waifu uses her hair-like tentacles to devour your face while you walk romantically on the beach.

@LysanderMooner I think we're going to end up better than we thought as the empire crumbles.

TIL that AI is really good at rendering bikini pics, and really REALLY bad at rendering realistic chimpanzees.

Good bikini pics.

@houseoftolstoy the problem is the people do what feels good until it feels bad.

Just let people do what they want with their bodies but don't allow them to get free Healthcare, or disability/unemployment when they destroy their bodies with drugs.

Nature has a way of punishing stupid behavior all on its own if we would simply allow it to function and let nature take its course.

@Stahesh @DStheo After the horse threw the man's son off, the son's leg was broken, and the man's neighbors felt back for the man's misfortune. Then the military was rounding up all the young men to fight in a war, and man's son was spared because of his broken leg, and the man's neighbors praised his luck.

The point being that what seems bad can be good, and what seems good can be bad. Just do the obvious thing, and leave the rest aside.

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