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@ButtWorldsMan I hate when the chick has a baby arm growing out of her mouth that pees on me.

I tried a new AI website called but it's based on porn, and I couldn't get it to work 99% of the time. This is the best picture I came up with after 30 minute.

@sim I have more respect for swingers than cucks in open relationships. At least both people are getting laid.

To answer your question, a lot of women are permanently ruined and unable to pair bond after getting pumped and dumped for 10+ years, so the only way to have a long term relationship is to cheat.

Being a swinger is better than cheating behind the guy's back or wanting an "open relationship" and having a boyfriend on side. Again, at least with sex parties both get laid

I slept on my shoulder wrong and I think I dislocated it at some point because it hurts like hell.

Fuck getting old.

@Stahesh the great ignoring of crime and the flooding of countries with illegal aliens is all about gun control.

Create a problem.

Outlaw all solutions to the problem.

Wait until the people beg you to restore order.

Take total power.

Note: the only alternative to this outcome is to "do the thing".

@kaiservenom we could have had a male surgeon, but the man was was turned away in the name of diversity and equally. Consequently, we now have a shortage of doctors and surgeons.

@LibsoftiktokBot proof the UK government is ultimately behind the "cancelling" of Russel Brand.

@LibsoftiktokBot proof the UK government is ultimately behind the "cancelling" of Russel Brand.

@shortstories I have no idea. Just respond to polls using your account where people know how to do this sort of thing.

@Mike_Microwave @ButtWorldsMan Brand is a celebrity with 6M followers on YouTube alone. He also has been a guest on Leftist shows like Bill Maher. I doubt John Campbell and Clayton from Redacted have.

@ButtWorldsMan Yes, and my hunch is that the timing of this is because he was so outspoken about COVID and the vaccine, and they're planning on implementing lockdowns again.

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