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@BiggusDiccus I will use myself as a test monkey and see how it works.

A lot of celebrities are taking it, but as a professional reviewer, I'll bite the bullet and see for myself.

Also, it supposedly helps with insulin resistance, which is something that I've been dealing with for years.

@CumskinFoidPuncher69420 I drink tea already. I have my own recipe for green chai tea with spiced vanilla.

2 parts organic green tea
1 part "Bengal spice" (herbal chai)
1 part "fireside vanilla spice"

Fitness Update: I can't keep doing OMAD. My energy levels are too low and I'm pissed off all the time.

I'm trying to eat more low calorie highly filling things like eggs, chicken breasts, popcorn, etc.

I'm also doing weight lifting and less cardio. I'm still doing cardio 3X a week, but I'm trying to do weights 4-5X a week, but dealing with soreness sucks.

My Ozempic order has been delayed due to back order, but I will document how/if it works when it arrives. I ordered a 3 month supply.

@dictatordave at least they weren't jogging scholar youth Michael Jackson impersonators.

Excellent explanation
‼️ 15 minutes cities explained.

@iboughtcryptowhoops crypto is only correlated with the tech sector, because that's what it is.

If you believe the tech sector will continue to go up during stagflation then have fun.

@doctorsex Huh . . . so that's what it looks like from the other side. . . weird.

@ButtWorldsMan I knew they were manipulating it, but I assumed they would realize that it would backfire and cause a massive hyperinflationary doom-loop and stop at some point . . . my bad.

@ButtWorldsMan they're actually doing damage control. Kind of surprised, not gonna lie.

@PordanJeterson if you live where the women are whores, just rent them like everyone else and stop looking for a wife in a whorehouse.

Watching Jews cry about antisemitism and invoking the holocaust while they actively commit genocide is right up there with Jews using their vast network of control to punish anyone who points out that Jews have a vast network of control.

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