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Men and women are opposites.

Women look for a man with the character of a god.

Men look for a woman with the character of a dog.

@caekislove These "conservative women" are merely TERFs. They want their sports and bathrooms back, but that's literally where there "conservativism ends".

They are pro abortion, anti men, anti family. They only want to "conserve" their privileges.

Who women vote for won't matter if they don't vote at all.

@Turkleton Ukraine failed, but NATO doesn't want to acknowledge it, so they're starting a new war (with Iran) to avoid admitting defeat in the last one.

@collappsar @Deuces we have no shortage of "leaders" telling men to marry and reproduce, but all refuse to address the issue of feminism and women's rights breaking marriage and encouraging women to murder their children

Telling men to get married in the West is like telling a homeless man to "just get a job".

@Brianhere they don't have a choice. Countries that are dependent on American military support will all eat the whole ass.

@RodrickSage Count Chocula has been indicted for running a chocolate donut ring.

@deprecated_ii all that would result in is ships dropping off their cargo in Mexico to be trucked in over the border, the ports shutting down, and everything being twice as expensive for zero benefit.

@shortstories why don't you believe in Zues? Odin? Ra? Or a thousand other gods, goddesses, spirits, and demons?

If you were born in India and raised as a Hindu, would you have chosen to become a Christian because of some "truth" found within Christianity instead of worshipping a six armed elephant?

Does Christianity even align with your values as a person? Are you merely conforming to a group? If you found out they were a Satanic cult, would that even bother you?

@dander I look forward to the seasonal flu turning deadly in the next couple of years as "doctors are baffled" as the mudbloods die of VAIDS.

@dander I just can't take a medical expert that looks like that seriously without a skull painted on her face as she shakes a rattle at me and talks about the spirit world.

@shortstories @LysanderMooner you can be like Constantine and see Jesus as a manifestation of the broader divine. He thought Jesus was a manifestation of Sol Invictus. Alan Watts talked about Jesus being a Buddha.

Personally, I think Christianity is a shit religion, and was only beneficial when joined with a healthy dollop of Roman traditions and values, which have long since been removed.

However you can still acknowledge Jesus as you pursue your own spiritual path.

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