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tl;dw Wireguard bad because

it keeps your IP in memory during the connection and, depending on the configuration, for a few minutes after it has ended
it uses UDP
someone watching your traffic can see that you are using Wireguard
a VPN provider could collude with malicious TOR entry nodes

No explanation how this compares to other protocols and no alternatives are offered.

You could use a site like FixedFloat to slowly convert it to another coin, like Bitcoin. (You just have to use a VPN if you’re in the US)

Then you can use something like Bisq to trade it for cash or card or whatever.

You can also convert it to ETH, and send it to an exchange that doesn’t ask too many questions, like PayPal.

I’ve done this last year with 90k with Bisq and 100k with PayPal and I had zero issues.

🇷🇺🇷🇺 It happened a while ago that people in Dagestan heard that a plane carrying Zionists coming from the occupied settlements of Palestine had landed at their airport. They revolted and stormed the airport, raising Palestinian flags.

🚩 @ResistanceTrench

Last week I presented my paper at SecDev on the impact #Rust has vs. #C++ on the probability of a vulnerability being introduced by a first-time contributor to a project—and therefore, how easy it is for newbies to get contributions merged. The full paper is available here:

but the tl;dr is: Rust significantly lowered the number of vulnerabilities introduced, especially from new contributors, and increased the quantity of new contributors to projects.

Holy shit, Matthew Perry just died by drowning in fucking tub.

@UncleIroh @VeganMGTOW @Stahesh @redmaple @Bomber_Harris @ButtWorldsMan @[email protected] @Tfmonkey

Remember they want to outlaw true statements that make protected people groups look bad

Where does this come from?

Jewish tradition

Lashon hara (or loshon horo, or loshon hora) (Hebrew: לשון הרע; "evil tongue") is the halakhic term for speech about a person or persons that is negative or harmful to them, even though it is true"

How far does the degenerate Progressive insane-train go?

They've tried pedophilia but that's failing, so what next??

My prediction is cannabilism. If somehow the Cathedral/WEF worldview ascends, look forward to the normaliziation of human meat consumption. Bugs, lab-grown meat, human meat, goyslop.

Looks like the war in israhell has started


I've been watching his channel for a minute and like his visual-logic way of breaking the redpill down to those interested in dating.

@VooDooMedic These guys have one thing in common with the old germans✡️

Yeah… When I write about Haveno here, I kind of always add “hopefully!“ or “is coming?” (a ?)… I don’t think it’s a scam but…

"Jews" do not support homosexual marriage because they vote Democrat

Democrats support homosexual marriage because of Jews

US Jews among the most supportive of gay marriage
Pew figures show 76% of Jews support legalizing gay marriage, higher than all but the youngest and most liberal of Democrats

Jewish support is higher than the support among Democrats (61%), self-described “liberals” (72%), and even among Americans without religious affiliation (75%).

@Stahesh @VeganMGTOW @redmaple @Bomber_Harris @ButtWorldsMan @shortstories @Tfmonkey

Appreciate all who participated.

I'm surprised at the result, an even 50/50 on how normiefags overcome their Jewcum addiction.

I'd say it's an overall whitepill.

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