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34 Now Rachel had taken the household gods and put them inside her camel’s saddle and was sitting on them. Laban searched through everything in the tent but found nothing.

35 Rachel said to her father, “Don’t be angry, my lord, that I cannot stand up in your presence; I’m having my period.” So he searched but could not find the household gods.

Story about a woman who lied & said she was on her period so they would not search a location for stolen goods?

i envy does who could pull self-deletion. at this point, i deserve the hell fire, for even having hope things would get better.

i can't handle regular life, it's not for me, everyday i pray, for a world ending event or something.

still remember the pandemic fondly, i remember when Maria pass over Puerto Rico and it crippled the island to no end.

i felt like a hunter, when i went looking for food and water, wherever i could find it. going out and get the food of the day cuz, no fridge.

Thanks to the war in gaza and israel i've taken the "jew pill" and have come to the conclusion that everything happening in the west. are the faults of the jews. Very cool hamas!

@lccmv @UncleIroh @FourOh-LLC Have you seen media interviewing people for hours only to find the dumbest take or the one that fits the narrative they want to push around an event? I have. There are people who I'm sure believe a $10 bill is worth more than a silver bar, but they don't matter. The NPC meme is reality in that some people don't have the processing power to work through abstracts and nested hypotheticals. They tend to rely on social queues rather than trying to problem solve solo. Who cares either way; the American revolution happened without majority support. The majority isn't needed, only a strong minority with moral courage and a belief in what they stand for.
The so called "color-revolution" in the USA is nearing its end.

Every self-loathing white trash - especially the intellectual kind - is having homicidal, murder-suicidal temptations. Every white-hating colored-trash has the same thing in mind, training with suicide-vests and hoping to get the 72 virgins.

Whites survived worse.
There will be 6+ billion people building a better alternative in a hurry.

There are hundreds of millions doing the same thing, slowly. Blockchains eventually replace the DNS, wikipedia eventually going to be replaced with wikis on IPFS, and so forth.

That would only force our hand.
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.