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@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan @shortstories @37712 @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Stahesh

Jihad / Holy War: You live in a moral universe where objective morality is Truth. This paradigm never fails according to it's own internal rules. It can TEMPORARILY lose against 'Might is Right' and 'Consequentialism / Just War' in a 1v1 AND geoplitically, but is not susceptible to demoralization. All things equal, it wins the long game due to the power of Eschatology.

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@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan @shortstories @37712 @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Stahesh

Consequentialism:The runner up, and probably the winner in normie audiences. Congrats, you are the inheritors of Atheist Liberalism. This wins against personal 'Might is Right' (i.e. fucking RUN when overpowered), but fails against geopolitical 'Might is Right' AND 'Jihadism'. It is also highly susceptible to demoralization.

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@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan @shortstories @37712 @Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Stahesh

Thanks gents, good turnout.

Pacifism: I included this option but unsurprised it got ZERO votes. It's a retarded option.

Might Is Right: The winner, and not surprising for this audience. Your heroes are likely Greco-Roman and/or the Nietzschean ideal. You have to ALWAYS win, or accept every degradation of defeat you inflict on your foes. Your strongest enemies are Jihadists / Holy War-ists.

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Bro where the fuck do you even get 40 babies to behead?
Can you kikes come up with some better psyops? Or did you give up now that youre gonna sick your rabid ZOG dog on the Muslims?
The left is already insane and are celebrating the dead kikes in nyc because colonialism bad the right always hated kikes and kikes are somehow surprised that 4chuds are memeing this invasion , normgroids are so demoralized because of the events of last 7 years that the apoliticalness and apathy is over 9000 , only conservatives and boomers support them now but even they are saying they can't throw them unlimited money because things are bad at home

Kike desperation u can taste it
Guys check this out - Jordan is now telling Israel to piss off and is working with Egypt to aid Gaza
This conflict really is great for us, because if nothing else its exposing the jews latent psychosis and rampant bloodlust to quite a few people who are no doubt shocked by how the relatively (seemingly) level headed jewish guy they were following has now broken down into overt genocidal hysterics.


so. hela fresh form meme oven. first meme i have made about time as we are about to be nuked . sure it could be improved just a little bit.

@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey @basedbagel

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